Monday, November 12, 2012

So I thought about doing a home made facial and thought of these two ingredients and with the help of a fellow natural girl ( Atarah Samaroo) she sent me this link.....I'm definitely going to try this out, it's probably not a "new" remedy but why not share it still. So I hope you try it...I will lol!.....ENJOY

Homemade Brown Sugar and Olive Oil Facial Scrub

By Yvonne Van Damme

Memeber Tip
There is no need to purchase a pricey commercial facial scrub. Olive oil facials at home can remove dead skin cells and moisturize your skin at the same time. In order to effectively remove those dead cells, add brown sugar to the olive oil to create a luxurious skin care treatment that does not contain nasty preservatives.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is commonly used in cooking. Don't let that stop you from using it on your skin! It contains potent antioxidants, such as oleic acid and caffeic acid. Antioxidants are anti-aging powerhouses that can actually prevent free radicals from aging your skin. Olive oil can treat skin conditions such as dermatitis, dry skin, and rosacea. A homemade brown sugar and olive oil facial scrub is one way to take advantage of these benefits and get smooth, glowing skin.
To make this scrub, measure out 1/2 cup brown sugar into a jar or container. Also measure out 1/4 cup virgin olive oil and add it to the brown sugar. Stir them together.
Dip your fingers into the scrub and apply the brown sugar and olive oil facial scrub to your skin in small circles. Continue to massage it into your skin for one minute. Wash it off thoroughly with warm water. Feel free to use this olive oil facial scrub on your body as well.
  • Scrub in the shower. The homemade olive oil facial scrub is quite messy. The downside of doing this in the shower is that the bottom of the tub will be very slippery. Proceed with caution. If you're in the shower, this does not really apply.
  • Make a fresh batch every time. It's optimal to make a new batch every time that you use the scrub. It does not keep well.
  • Use the scrub one or two times per week, depending on your skin.